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There has been a sharp rise in complaints during the past three years concerning brain fog, feelings of anxiety, and sleep disorders.  Brain fog is sometimes attributed to so called “senior moments”, however, there is so much more to this than an occasional loss of memory.  Is there a causal link to be found, one […]


The use of digital screens for gaming has become a huge industry and is growing more exponentially every day.  Gaming has become popular among all age groups.  The introduction of the metaverse has only accelerated its growth.  However, with billions of people globally involved in gaming, there as been a significant increase in eye and cognitive issues […]


Many years of Epidemiologic and scientific studies indicate that omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may have cardiovascular health benefits. The large amounts of positive evidence of the health benefits of omega 3 cannot be ignored. Omega 3 essential fatty acids from fish oil are one of the most […]


Everyone is looking for better, quicker and easier ways to accomplish their goals…and exercising is most certainly not the exception.  Dr. Michael P Lange and I are asked questions about exercise on a daily basis…some ask if there is a pill they can swallow so they don’t need to exercise…the answer is NO!  Some ask […]


Weight loss is not easy…we know that fact, so much so, that we fear that dreaded four letter word, D-I-E-T!  Just a mention of “diet” can create a certain level of anxiety, and hopefully I can take away some of that anxious feeling and motivate you by using a different method.  Usually when we talk […]


I designed the “The 30 Day Challenge” as a motivational and informational tool to help you move forward and increase your wellness profile. You need a clear and focused path, a solid plan with realistic goals, and The Challenge will help you get there. Dr. Michael Lange and I see it everyday… a person wants […]


Fall and summer bring warmer weather, blooming flowers, and, for eight percent of Americans, seasonal allergies. While seasonal allergies can cause a range of symptoms including sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, ear congestion, and headaches, today we’re going to be focusing on how seasonal allergies can affect your eyes. What are seasonal allergies? Also […]


Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide and affects about three million Americans. The most common form of glaucoma is called open-angle glaucoma, which results in increased eye pressure. This condition damages your eye’s optic nerve—the part of the eye that carries the images we see to the brain. When damage to the […]


Regular visits to an eye doctor are an important part of maintaining your health, however, many people don’t schedule an appointment until they start experiencing an issue. Just like going to the dentist or a primary doctor, getting checkups with an eye doctor should be a part of your routine. Most eye care professionals recommend […]


I am quite certain that you have heard this said many times, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”… but is it really? Your first meal of the day is actually the end of a 12-16 hour fast. In fact, when I present a lecture, I always use a wipe-off board, and I […]


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