


Dry Eye Nutrition Michael Lange OD, CNS 10/10/2011 Is dry eye nutrition overlooked? Learn how vitamins, fish oil, omega-3 and astaxanthin can help improve dry eyes. Is your dry eye nutrition affected by a low omega index? Dr. Michael P. Lange OD CNS discusses omega-3, eye nutrition, omega-3 fish oil, supplements, dry eye vitamins, omega […]


Proper Nutrition and Dry Eyes Michael P. Lange OD, CNS, 10/24/2011 Dry eyes can be improved through proper nutrition. The vast majority of dry eye patients will notice a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms once the correct dietary and lifestyle modifications are implemented. Dry eye is a nutritionally responsive condition and this paper will discuss […]


Fish Oil Forms: Triglycerides better for omega-3 index increase By Stephen Daniells, 18-Nov-2010 Fish oil omega-3s in the triglyceride form are better for boosting the omega-3 index than the ethyl ester form, says a new study from Germany, a result which echoes recent Danish findings. Scientists from Leibniz Universitat Hannover and Ludwig Maximilians University in […]


Dr. Michael Lange, OD CNS explains the differences between triglyceride form fish oil and ethyl ester fish oils. Learn to enjoy the benefits of omega three fatty acids by taking a high quality omega three fish oil with improved bio availability and absorption. Fortifeye Super Omega provides the benefits of omega three fatty acids with higher EPA and DHA values in a triple molecularly distilled and concentrated triglyceride form fish oil.


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