fish oil




Dry Eye Nutrition Michael Lange OD, CNS 10/10/2011 Is dry eye nutrition overlooked? Learn how vitamins, fish oil, omega-3 and astaxanthin can help improve dry eyes. Is your dry eye nutrition affected by a low omega index? Dr. Michael P. Lange OD CNS discusses omega-3, eye nutrition, omega-3 fish oil, supplements, dry eye vitamins, omega […]


Proper Nutrition and Dry Eyes Michael P. Lange OD, CNS, 10/24/2011 Dry eyes can be improved through proper nutrition. The vast majority of dry eye patients will notice a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms once the correct dietary and lifestyle modifications are implemented. Dry eye is a nutritionally responsive condition and this paper will discuss […]


Fish Oil Forms: Triglycerides better for omega-3 index increase By Stephen Daniells, 18-Nov-2010 Fish oil omega-3s in the triglyceride form are better for boosting the omega-3 index than the ethyl ester form, says a new study from Germany, a result which echoes recent Danish findings. Scientists from Leibniz Universitat Hannover and Ludwig Maximilians University in […]


Dr. Michael Lange, OD CNS explains the differences between triglyceride form fish oil and ethyl ester fish oils. Learn to enjoy the benefits of omega three fatty acids by taking a high quality omega three fish oil with improved bio availability and absorption. Fortifeye Super Omega provides the benefits of omega three fatty acids with higher EPA and DHA values in a triple molecularly distilled and concentrated triglyceride form fish oil.


Dr. Michael Lange on natural treatment for dry eyes and discussion of the metabolic pathways of omega-6 and omega-3 in regards to dry eye and health There are some great nutritional approaches that may improve the treatment of dry eye syndrome, however most eye care providers, MDs, DOs and ODs are underutilizing this complimentary nutritional […]


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